Project results – Short-term learning mobility of adult learners, participants with fewer opportunities “Sustainable and Healthy Living Program for Adults”

Project results – Short-term learning mobility of adult learners, participants with fewer opportunities “Sustainable and Healthy Living Program for Adults”  under project 2024-1-BG01-KA121-ADU-000200235 Erasmus +

Dear colleagues,
We would like to presents the results of  Short-term learning mobility of adult learners, participants with fewer opportunities

“Sustainable and Healthy Living Program for Adults”

held 26.10.2024-04.11.2024, Bitola, N. Macedonia

under project 2024-1-BG01-KA121-ADU-000200235 Erasmus +

26.10.2024-04.11.2024 + travel days! Green transport 
in  Bitola, N. Macedonia under project 2024-1-BG01-KA121-ADU-000200235 Erasmus +
All 7 participants with fewer opportunities received Europass certificates!

Interpersonal skills and ability to adopt new competences
Physical amd mental health and wellbeing
Social assistance and wellfire
Active ageing

Sustainable and Healthy Living Program for Adults


Welcome to the Sustainable and Healthy Living Program for Adults. This comprehensive program aims to educate and empower adults to adopt sustainable practices and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The program focuses on various aspects, including sustainable living, healthy diets, and medical care. This program will guide you through practical steps, provide essential knowledge, and encourage positive changes for a healthier and more sustainable life.


  • Understand the principles of sustainable living.
  • Learn about healthy dietary habits.
  • Gain knowledge about essential medical care.
  • Implement sustainable and healthy practices in daily life.


The program is divided into ten modules, expanded to include additional topics for a comprehensive learning experience:

  1. Introduction to Sustainable Living
  2. Understanding Healthy Diets
  3. Medical Care and Preventive Health
  4. Sustainable Practices for Daily Life
  5. Integrating Healthy and Sustainable Living
  6. Sustainable Financial Practices
  7. Physical Activity and Fitness
  8. Mental Health and Well-being
  9. Advanced Sustainable Living Techniques
  10. Community Engagement and Leadership

Each module includes lectures, discussions, practical exercises, and resources for further learning.

The mobility was free of charge, including travel and accommodation costs, as well as meals for participants!

program  10 day Training program for Healthy and Sustainable life of adults_1

7 learners with fewer opportunities participated

1.    Learning outcomes achieved during the learning mobility:


Outcome 1: Competence
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Sustainable development
Description: The participants acquired knowledge for the principles on sustainable development and will everything learn how yes apply practices for reduction on waste , saving on energy and water in everyday life .


Outcome 3: Competence
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Healthy feeding
Description: The participants understood the basics on the balanced nutrition and will they can yes create plans for healthy diets that​ encourage long term health and well-being .
Outcome 4: Competence
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Financial sustainability
Description: Skills for creation on personal and family budgets which​ include ethical and sustainable purchases and investments in environmental clean products and services .
Outcome 5: Competence
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Physical activity
Description: The participants learned the importance on the regular one physical activity and will develop personal plans for exercises that​ yes improve theirs physical shape and health .
Outcome 6: Competence
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Mentally health and well-being
Description: Understanding on the meaning on the mental health and acquisition on skills for management on stress , like meditation and techniques for relaxation .


Physical Activity and Fitness Sustainable and Healthy Living and diet Sustainable and Healthy Living Certification Sustainable Financial Practices Sustainable living – Introduction Advanced Sustainable Living Techniques Community Engagement and Leadership Integrating Healthy and Sustainable Living Medical Care and Preventive Health Mental Health and Well-Being

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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