Project Summary
To develop the competencies of experts (trainers, psychologists, social workers, and others) for social responsibility, civic engagement, and tolerance, raising awareness of the problems in the area of risks of radicalization, their prevention and ways to deal
with them. The project proposal includes 1 mobility in Greece, which will allow participants to increase their personal awareness and effectively disseminate it through formal and informal initiatives of the association. With its implementation, they will get acquainted with new techniques in the field of radicalization prevention, the use of the Internet and social networks in the fight against radicalization, and the introduction of good European practices in national policies. 25 adults will take part in the mobility.
Through the implementation of the project and mobility in Greece, we strive to improve the skills and knowledge of experts (psychologists, trainers, counselors, social workers, and others) working with adults on preventing and combating
radicalization, as well as to increase the level of civic engagement. and social responsibility by stimulating critical thinking. These objectives are related to raising awareness about the problems of the risks of radicalization and ways to deal with
them. The mobility will allow participants to increase their personal awareness and effectively disseminate it through formal and informal initiatives of the association. With its implementation, they will get acquainted with new techniques in
the field of radicalization prevention, Internet and social networks as a way of working, and its introduction into national policies. Another major objective is to build values such as tolerance and social inclusion.
The planned activities related to the project proposal include: – Project organization and management; – Preliminary preparation for mobility in Greece, selection of participants; – Implementation of mobility in Greece and feedback (with 25
participants who are trainers, psychologists, counselors and social workers, specialists with experience in the field of adult support, prevention of radicalization, etc.); – Information activities. The project proposal includes 1 mobility in
Greece for 7 days, which will allow participants to increase their personal awareness and effectively disseminate it through formal and informal initiatives of the association. With its implementation, they will get acquainted with new
techniques in the field of radicalization prevention, Internet and social networks as a way of working, and its introduction into national policies.
The expected results of the project are 1 mobility in Greece for 7 days with 25 participants; effective improvement of the skills and competencies of various experts working with adults, such as psychologists, social workers, trainers,
counselors, etc .; increased awareness of the problems in the field of the risks of radicalization and the ways to deal with it; new techniques, methods, tools and good European practices in the field of prevention of radicalization, Internet and
social networks as a way of working and introducing it into national policies, stimulating critical thinking, civic engagement, and social responsibility, as well as values such as tolerance and social inclusion. After the mobility, we will
integrate the results in the field of prevention of radicalization through the practical application of the acquired good practices, tools, methods, and techniques in the work of AED experts and through the active use of newly acquired skills
and knowledge.
This project is financially supported by the Erasmus + Program and the AED is fully responsible for the content of this document, and under no circumstances can it be accepted as an official position of the Union and the National Agency.